Monday, December 21, 2009

Design Wall Monday!

Well, my design wall is full of the previous 2 steps of Bonnie Hunter's Carolina Christmas Mystery, so I have had to create another flat surface - for this I went to the garage and found a piece of foam insulation and I'm using that since there is not a surface in my sewing room that is cleared . . .  it is becoming increasingly more and more difficult to find an area to use my rotary cutter!  May have to do something about this after the first of the year!


Diane said...

Sadly every once in a while I have to stop and re-organize,declutter whatever you want to call it. Being neat wastes time--it must. I don't know.
But I can't wait to see the finished quilt.

Tamera said...

I know what you mean about having to take time to declutter, lol.

Since our basement is being worked on, I have no sewing area except the corner of the living room!

Linda said...

I was just working this morning on straightening up the area because there is no room for cutting and planning any more. How does this happen? I think elves must come in the night and play with my quilt stuff.

Turtles In Northern Florida said...

actually think that if I had less people in this house then I could have more room! Ü

Brenda said...

These are cute.