Monday, February 22, 2010

What a trip!

OMG - our hotel room this morning was like a scene from the movie Home Alone . . . we were instructed by my son to be in the lobby with our bags at 5:45 a.m.    At 5:48 a.m. my brother-in-law burst into the bedroom and said "are we gonna make it?" ---- we are at this point already 3 minutes late. I am in a panic. Then my cell phone went off with a text from my son that he had forgotten to print the boarding passes and had to return home for them - thank GOD for that one as it bought us some extra time. None of us showered, didn't have time to change Sophia's diaper, opened the refrigerator to get her medication only to find that several cans of Diet Coke had exploded - can it get worse? At 6 a.m. my son came up to the room to help us with all the luggage and Sophia - it seemed like an eternity, but we were on the road by 6:15 and then we got caught in traffic - I was a wreck as I still had to check Sophia's carseat and my luggage, not to mention the fact that I do not know where I am going in this airport (Dulles) and the people there are not very helpful. There was a long, long, line at security, and we still didn't know what gate we were going to! We finally made it through security and we all were running (I felt like OJ Simpson) - made it just in time as the plane was already being boarded! I lucked out BIG TIME as it was not a full flight and so Sophia got her own seat and did not have to sit on my lap! THE END

1 comment:

Diane said...

Oh my, after all that you need another vacation.