Well, I have completed 3 more customer quilts and there's just one more left to get done before we leave for Hawaii on Wednesday!
This one belongs to Carolyn and it's a Stack 'n Whack. I remember when she was piecing this top way back in 2002! I need to work on some of my UFOs as Carolyn is way ahead of me in this area!
This one also belongs to Carolyn! I am so envious that she's been so productive lately!
This is another customer quilt that I was able to complete in about an hour as it's only 46 inches square!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Stash Report - Weeks 44 - 46
I am finding it rather hard to believe that 3 weeks have gone by since I last posted, but I've been down for the count with a sinus infection + pneumonia. I am feeling better now, but I'm still easily pooped out. My sewing cave is located in the basement. Stairs have been a major issue since my breathing has been compromised by the pneumonia, so I haven't been downstairs in weeks. I finally ventured down late last week and was able to finish a quilt that's been on the frame since mid-October! Yesterday. I loaded another and finished it up this afternoon, so I am feeling better! Unfortunately neither of these quilts resulted in any of my stash being busted, so the figures remain the same.
Used this Week: 0 yards
Used year to Date: 84 yards
Added this Week: 0 yards
Added Year to Date: 40 yards
Net Used Year to Date: 44 yards
We will be leaving for Hawaii in a few weeks and will not return until January, so my hopes of busting 100 yards have been dashed - but there's always 2012!
Check out the progress of others at JudyL's Patchwork Times!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Design Wall Monday
There's nothing on the Design Wall today, but I did hang an antique quilt on the wall above our bed . . . that has to account for something!
Check out what others have on their Design Walls at JudyL's Patchwork Times!
Check out what others have on their Design Walls at JudyL's Patchwork Times!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Stash Report - Weeks 42 + 43
Not a lot of activity around here other than longarming . . . I did manage to "shop my stash" for suitable backing fabric for two UFOs, so that accounts for the 5 yards used this week! I hope to be able to show you the finished projects real soon, but for now, only one of the tops will have to suffice!
Check out how others are doing with their Stashbusting efforts at JudyL's Patchwork Times!
Used this Week: 5 yards
Used year to Date: 84 yards
Added this Week: 0 yards
Added Year to Date: 40 yards
Net Used Year to Date: 44 yards
Check out how others are doing with their Stashbusting efforts at JudyL's Patchwork Times!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Two more off the frame!
Just finished Linda's quilt and I had a lot of fun doing this one! I am afraid this one may have been in my possession for almost a year . . .

Prior to loading Linda's quilt, I did Jean's. It's a veggie quilt for her husbands boss who is a farmer. Jean was able to find vegetable fabrics of all the vegetables the farmer grows! My granddaughters really enjoyed this one - I can see one of these in my future for them!
I only have 3 more customer quilts and I will be done and I can begin on a few of mine! I even have the backing for several of mine, so the dilemma will be which one to begin first!
Prior to loading Linda's quilt, I did Jean's. It's a veggie quilt for her husbands boss who is a farmer. Jean was able to find vegetable fabrics of all the vegetables the farmer grows! My granddaughters really enjoyed this one - I can see one of these in my future for them!
I only have 3 more customer quilts and I will be done and I can begin on a few of mine! I even have the backing for several of mine, so the dilemma will be which one to begin first!
Friday, October 14, 2011
Who is that hiding in the Quilt Cave?
Most longarmers whose blogs I visit have at some point in time posted pictures of dogs sprawled out under their machines or cats draped over the take-up bars. Me? No dogs, no cats, just a granddaughter!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Design Wall Monday
Well, here is the kit I purchased from Sew Batik at Quilting with Machines this weekend. I cannot wait to get started on it, but it will have to wait as I have several customer quilts to be quilted and they come first!
Pictured below is another of Carolyn's BOM Quilts that I just took off the frame - I think I only have one more of hers and I can move on to the next quilt in que!
Check out what everyone has on their Design Wall today at JudyL's Patchwork Times!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Stash Report - Weeks 40 + 41
No change this week as I have been a longarming fool trying to get caught up - that's never gonna happen! Anywho, I attended Quilting with Machines at Sawmill Creek in Huron, OH this past week and took several classes. It was awesome and I learned a lot which I would now like to try, BUT I need to practice first. This is my friend Carolyn's quilt from a BOM and she is gifting it to her boss! I used the Al Fresco pantograph by Hermione Agee of Australia - I love all of her designs and they are fun to stitch out! These were big blocks too, 16 inches! Well, on to the report:
I did purchase a kit from Sew Batik, but I have not counted it in this report, I'll do it next week as it's wrapped up so pretty and I don't feel like dismantling it now to figure out the yardage! I will show pictures of that purchase tomorrow for DWM!
Check out how others are doing with their Stashbusting efforts at JudyL's Patchwork Times!
Used year to Date: 79 yards
Added this Week: 0 yards
Added Year to Date: 40 yards
Net Used Year to Date: 39 yards
I did purchase a kit from Sew Batik, but I have not counted it in this report, I'll do it next week as it's wrapped up so pretty and I don't feel like dismantling it now to figure out the yardage! I will show pictures of that purchase tomorrow for DWM!
Check out how others are doing with their Stashbusting efforts at JudyL's Patchwork Times!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Design Wall Monday!
Can't wait to see what everyone has one their Design Wall this morning. My Glacier Star has changed quite a bit since last week as I got several sections sewn together which made a big difference and has really motivated me to continue working on this project. . .
Check out what others have been up to at JudyL's Patchwork Times!
Check out what others have been up to at JudyL's Patchwork Times!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Stash Report
I am such a slacker - I think the last time I reported a Stash Report was way back in July. With all of the travelling and the "big move" I had not touched my machine. Now we are finally settled in our new home and life is good once again I am now able to sew (locating the power cord to my Bernina did have a bit to do with that). So this past week I posted on Design Wall Monday that I had begun to work on my Glacier Star project once again. On Thursday I ran into a problem while constructing one of the flying geese units that circle the outer edge of the quilt. There was a lack of contrast between the geese and the background, so Judy Niemeyer herself responded to my cries for help and suggested changing the background to something lighter. This necessitated an immediate trip to the LQS!
Check out how everyone else is doing with their stash busting at JudyL's Patchwork Times!
Used this Week: 2 yards
Used year to Date: 79 yards
Added this Week: 2 yards
Added Year to Date: 40 yards
Net Used Year to Date: 39 yards
Check out how everyone else is doing with their stash busting at JudyL's Patchwork Times!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
My new obsession!
Well, now that I'm back on track with the Glacier Star project, I only allow myself time to drink, eat, and sleep. Speaking of drinking, I had a drink last night - a peach daiquiri (only because there was a large freakin bat in the garage and that's where my Pepsi was, so I had to hit the bottle pouch). I still cannot believe that these pouches are only $1.99. I'm a cheap drunk, it only takes one pouch to give me a buzz! I digress . . . back to Glacier Star.
Thursday night I began working on the flying geese units that will circle the outer edge of the quilt and was not happy with my fabric choice. So first thing yesterday morning, I emailed the designer, Judy Niemeyer, for her opinion and a couple hours later, she emailed me back with a suggestion - change the background fabric! I was so surprised, impressed and excited that I immediately got in the car and drove to the LQS to pick up a lighter background. I am so happy now with the results!
Here is my total progress so far:
Thursday night I began working on the flying geese units that will circle the outer edge of the quilt and was not happy with my fabric choice. So first thing yesterday morning, I emailed the designer, Judy Niemeyer, for her opinion and a couple hours later, she emailed me back with a suggestion - change the background fabric! I was so surprised, impressed and excited that I immediately got in the car and drove to the LQS to pick up a lighter background. I am so happy now with the results!
Here is my total progress so far:
Friday, September 23, 2011
Glacier Star Progress
I have been working away everyday since Monday on my Judy Niemeyer Glacier Star! Here is a bit of my progress so far . . .
I am struggling with the outer flying gees though, I am concerned that there is not enough contrast. Of course I have the fabric for all 192 flying geese already cut out . . . I am going to email my instructor a picture of the flying geese unit for her opinion - I let you know the verdict!
I am struggling with the outer flying gees though, I am concerned that there is not enough contrast. Of course I have the fabric for all 192 flying geese already cut out . . . I am going to email my instructor a picture of the flying geese unit for her opinion - I let you know the verdict!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Design Wall Monday
It's been a couple of months since we moved and things have finally taken enough shape in my Quilting Cave that I am able to sit down and sew, especially since I finally located the power cord to my Bernina! It's going to be a good week I hope because when I came down to the cave this morning, there were no mice in any of the traps and none of them had been sprung either! On my Design Wall this morning, I have pieces of my Glacier Star that hasn't been touched since like Easter - it's a shame because I really enjoy working on it. My goal this week is to get as much done on this project as I can . . .
Check out what everyone has on their Design Walls today at JudyL's Patchwork Times!
Check out what everyone has on their Design Walls today at JudyL's Patchwork Times!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
New Friends
Well, as if the bats weren't enough, now we have mice. About a week ago I saw one in the garage, and since I will not be able to unpack all of the crap stuff in there in this lifetime, I wasn't too worried until last night! I thought I saw something from the corner of my eye, turned and saw a mouse run from the laundry room straight into my quilt room. First thing this morning I was at the store buying mouse traps. I keep waiting to hear the unmistakable "snap", but it hasn't happened yet. I baited the traps with peanut butter, a tiny piece of a Hershey's bar and then some more peanut butter on top of that. I hope they like that more than my quilt fabric and batting.
Monday, September 5, 2011
My close personal friends . . .
Here is a picture of one of my many close personal friends . . . a BAT! This was taken the last day we were at the old house. I was not at all sad to leave them behind at our old place, but unfortunately, they have followed us the 1.8 miles to our new home. The other night I went out to the garage to get some ice cream and when I turned on the light and opened the door, two of them were flying laps around the garage. Needless to say, I did not have a bedtime snack!
Where is Kare?
I have MIA for a little over a month now because . . . we purchased a new home and moved! We are slowly unpacking and getting acclimated. This new house has central air and a pool in the backyard and with the heatwave we've been experiencing this past month it's been a sweet reprieve. As soon as I locate the cable to my camera, I will post pictures, but for now, this is from my phone!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Design Wall Monday
I have been longarming like a fiend for the past few weeks. My friends have been keeping me busy, but I did have a chance to slip one of my own in there!
We traveled to Dallas this past week and I was amazed at the number of quilt shops in that area that have been in Quilt Sampler magazine. I visited 10 shops and I think that at least 6 of them had been featured at some point in time! My favorite shop was Quilt Country. I spent 2 hours in there, there were tons of samples and the ladies were very helpful and nice! I knew I would love this shop before I even got there, because they advertise "Lime Green - the New Neutral". They had 3 APQS longarms and they were all going, one lady was loading while another lady quilted freehand and there was a large picture window so you could watch them in action. As the one lady finished quilting, she moved to the next machine which the other woman had loaded and started on that quilt! The woman who loaded, now began to unload the quilt she'd just finished. It was awesome.
I purchased a ruler while in Dallas and have begun to cut strips already for that project! I found the ruler at Quilters Connection in Dallas, and they had a sample made into a tree skirt and I just fell in love with it! Here is a picture of theirs as my sewing cave is a pit right now . . .
Check out what everyone else has on their Design Wall at JudyL's Patchwork Times!
We traveled to Dallas this past week and I was amazed at the number of quilt shops in that area that have been in Quilt Sampler magazine. I visited 10 shops and I think that at least 6 of them had been featured at some point in time! My favorite shop was Quilt Country. I spent 2 hours in there, there were tons of samples and the ladies were very helpful and nice! I knew I would love this shop before I even got there, because they advertise "Lime Green - the New Neutral". They had 3 APQS longarms and they were all going, one lady was loading while another lady quilted freehand and there was a large picture window so you could watch them in action. As the one lady finished quilting, she moved to the next machine which the other woman had loaded and started on that quilt! The woman who loaded, now began to unload the quilt she'd just finished. It was awesome.

Check out what everyone else has on their Design Wall at JudyL's Patchwork Times!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
A few finishes!
Well I haven't had any UFO finishes since the two I completed in January, and then I fell off the UFO wagon and was lost in space until this month - I finished one! It's the Pineberry Trail. I got it quilted a couple of weeks ago and got the binding on, but it needed to be tacked to the back and I saved that for all the traveling we were doing the past 2 weeks. I had it in the trunk of the rental car and my husband had a container of Windex in there and it leaked on the quilt and the maroon bled . . . as soon as we returned home, I laundered it with a Color Catcher and you would not believe how dark that sheet came out! The area where it bled is still stained, but I am not worried about it because it's going to be a quilt for us to cover up with in the living room!
I also finished the binding on my friend Jean's quilt! That quilt was in the trunk with the Windex, but thankfully it was my quilt that soaked it all up!
I finished a smaller memory quilt for a friend and now have her king size Maple Leaves + Log Cabin on the frame . I am quilting it with a meandering maple leave + loops, cute, cute, cute!
I also finished the binding on my friend Jean's quilt! That quilt was in the trunk with the Windex, but thankfully it was my quilt that soaked it all up!
I finished a smaller memory quilt for a friend and now have her king size Maple Leaves + Log Cabin on the frame . I am quilting it with a meandering maple leave + loops, cute, cute, cute!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Design Wall Monday
Finally finished the top for the fruit + veggie table runner. I hope to get it quilted this week as we are going on a road trip this weekend to a family wedding and I would like to have some handwork to take along in the car and to work on in the hotel!
I also have a quilt top of my own that I loaded on the frame last night. I really wanted to back this quilt with flannel, but I don't have any, and I just want to get something done . . . another UFO may soon bite the dust - yippee!
Check out what others have on their Design Wall today at JudyL's Patchwork Times.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Stash Report - Week 29
Used this Week: 3 yards
Used year to Date: 77 yards
Added this Week: 0 yards
Added Year to Date: 38 yards
Net Used Year to Date: 39 yards
Monday, July 11, 2011
Design Wall Monday
Thank goodness it's Design Wall Monday as I finished my Fast Forward top and am allowing myself to start another project! This is a Veggie Table Runner made with a Double Diamond Ruler. I saw a sample of this in a Mennonite Quilt Shop several weeks ago and was smitten! I cannot wait to have more progress to show you on this project . . .
Just so I don't get bored, I have a large quilt of Jean's on the longarm, and if I get bored or even better yet, finished with her quilt, I can move on to 3 more of Linda's quilts that are waiting in the wings!
I did mention that I finished my Fast Forward quilt top - here is a picture of mine (black background) and my BFF Joanne's (light background).
Check out what everyone has on their Design Walls at JudyL's Patchwork Times!
Just so I don't get bored, I have a large quilt of Jean's on the longarm, and if I get bored or even better yet, finished with her quilt, I can move on to 3 more of Linda's quilts that are waiting in the wings!
I did mention that I finished my Fast Forward quilt top - here is a picture of mine (black background) and my BFF Joanne's (light background).
Check out what everyone has on their Design Walls at JudyL's Patchwork Times!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Stash Report - Weeks 27 + 28
We were in DC for Olive's 1st Birthday last weekend, so I have some catching up to do . . .
I didn't buy any quilt fabric while there, but I did get some scrumptious sock yarn though!
I finished the Fast Forward top, but loaned my pattern to someone, so I am just guessing at the yardage used, so I may need to change the amount used at a later date. The picture is my top on the left and my friend Joanne's on the right! Joanne used a batik jelly roll for hers while mine was just scraps from the "Rubbermaid Tub"
Check out how everyone else is coming along with their stash busting efforts at JudyL's Patchwork Times!
Here is Olive, our Birthday girl!
I didn't buy any quilt fabric while there, but I did get some scrumptious sock yarn though!
I finished the Fast Forward top, but loaned my pattern to someone, so I am just guessing at the yardage used, so I may need to change the amount used at a later date. The picture is my top on the left and my friend Joanne's on the right! Joanne used a batik jelly roll for hers while mine was just scraps from the "Rubbermaid Tub"
Used this Week: 5 yards
Used year to Date: 74 yards
Added this Week: 0 yards
Added Year to Date: 38 yards
Net Used Year to Date: 36 yards
Check out how everyone else is coming along with their stash busting efforts at JudyL's Patchwork Times!
Here is Olive, our Birthday girl!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Field Trip!
We are off to DC in the morning for Olive's 1st birthday! She is our youngest granddaughter. We are taking Sophia with us - she is so excited and has her little Dora the Explorer suitcase all packed.
On another note, I wanted to share a sweet picture of my son-in-law with our twin granddaughters. Nick recently returned from deployment . . .
Monday, June 27, 2011
Design Wall Monday
I cannot believe that it's Monday again . . .
Don't have much to show this week. After completing the blocks for last weeks DWM, my strip bin was looking rather pathetic, so I decided to sub cut the remaining strips into squares. It has taken several days to get everything untangled, trimmed of unraveling threads, starched and pressed. Now all I have left to do is measure, cut and then figure out what I am going to fill the empty bin with!!
Check out what others have on their Design Walls at JudyL's Patchwork Times!
Don't have much to show this week. After completing the blocks for last weeks DWM, my strip bin was looking rather pathetic, so I decided to sub cut the remaining strips into squares. It has taken several days to get everything untangled, trimmed of unraveling threads, starched and pressed. Now all I have left to do is measure, cut and then figure out what I am going to fill the empty bin with!!
Check out what others have on their Design Walls at JudyL's Patchwork Times!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Another one off the frame!
Finished quilting Jean's quilt the other day and earlier tonight, I finished the binding, so it's done, done, done! I have just one more quilt from Jean at the moment and I got the backing sewn and on the frame, perhaps tomorrow I can get the batting + top loaded!
Stash Report - Week 26
I was a little under the weather this past week and didn't leave the house, but still managed to add to my stash. I was straightening the Quilt Cave and came across a bag of backing fabric I purchased the week before while in Berlin that I forgot to count . . .
Used this Week: 0 yards
Used year to Date: 69 yards
Added this Week: 2 yards
Added Year to Date: 38 yards
Net Used Year to Date: 31 yards
I continue to try and play catch up with all of my customer quilts on the longarm, so I don't see myself busting much stash in the near future. I only have about 4 more quilts to do before I can do my own things!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
One done, another started . . .
Finished one quilt on the longarm and another is loaded and just begun.
First up is Carolyn's Family Reunion Quilt. I quilt a Family Reunion Quilt for Carolyn each year (in addition to several other quilts too). It's a Signature Quilt and it goes to a different family member each year.
Next on the frame is Tropical Dreams, a quilt Jean made from some gorgeous batiks. The pattern can be found in the February 2011 issue of American Patchwork & Quilting on page 68.
First up is Carolyn's Family Reunion Quilt. I quilt a Family Reunion Quilt for Carolyn each year (in addition to several other quilts too). It's a Signature Quilt and it goes to a different family member each year.
Next on the frame is Tropical Dreams, a quilt Jean made from some gorgeous batiks. The pattern can be found in the February 2011 issue of American Patchwork & Quilting on page 68.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Design Wall Monday
Once again, it's my favorite day and I am very close to having the Fast Forward top completed! All of the blocks are done and the sashing is cut and sewn together, ready to be attached, after I get the measurements of the rows. My goal is to have it done, done, done by the end of the month so I am not working at the last minute to finish it.
Check out what all the others have on their Design Walls at JudyL's Patchwork Times!
Check out what all the others have on their Design Walls at JudyL's Patchwork Times!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Stash Report - Week 25
Another week of visiting Quilt Shops, this time down in the Berlin, Millersburg + Mt. Hope area. The 4 of us had a great time. We left at 8am and didn't return home until after 8pm. It was the best day ever! I got some American Valor fabrics and a novelty print of Hot Wings! The colorful pic of Patriotic fabric is designed by Connie Haley for Elizabeth's Studio. It is really striking and I cannot wait to use it!
Used this Week: 0 yards
Used year to Date: 69 yards
Added this Week: 5 yards
Added Year to Date: 36 yards
Net Used Year to Date: 33 yards
Check out how others are doing with their stash busting efforts at JudyL's Patchwork Times!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Design Wall Monday
Rather than finishing a UFO, I decided to start a new project late last week! I've made more progress than this since then, but my camera is in my husbands car and he's out of town, so this pic will have to do. I am just using strips from the Rubbermaid tub for this one, but I am anxious to begin another with a jellyroll - the problem will be settling on which one to use! The pattern for this is called Fast Forward and it's by Julie Herman aka Jaybird Quilts. It's very, very easy and quick to construct!
Check out what everyone else has on their Design Walls at JudyL's Patchwork Times!
Check out what everyone else has on their Design Walls at JudyL's Patchwork Times!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Stash Report - Weeks 22, 23 + 24
Well, so much for trying to bust 50 yards - I went to two local quilt shops with friends on Friday . . . this is what I am going to work on with all of that black + white fabric!
Used this Week: 0 yards
Used year to Date: 69 yards
Added this Week: 8 yards
Added Year to Date: 31 yards
Net Used Year to Date: 38 yards
Check out how others are doing with their stash busting efforts at JudyL's Patchwork Times!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
another new project . . .
Started another new project the other day - it's called Fast Forward. I have been using 2.5 inch strips from my scrap bin for this prototype, but I cannot wait to crack open one of my jellyrolls for a more coordinated version. Julie Herman created this pattern and she has several others just as cool as this one! Check out her blog, Jaybird Quilts, and click on the patterns tab and you can check out for yourself all she has to offer!
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